InfoPlace Document Organizer - v 2.0 - Release Notes
- Categories can include sub-categories and Documents. This is a major change in this
release. In earlier versions, it was not allowed to mix Categories and Documents in a Category.
- A user can "Lock" a Document. This prevents other users from making any changes
via "Edit Properties". Either the Administrator or the User who Locked it, can unlock a Document
- An Access log keeps a record of successful logins, unsuccessful attempts and logouts.
This can be viewed by an Administrator using Admin Commands.
- Errors are logged to a separate Error log. This can also be viewed by an Administrator
using Admin Commands.
- The ability to provide Direct Login to specific Infobases is included in this version.
It used to be an upgrade patch for version 1.3. A specific URL directs users to a login page
which does not list all the Infobases.
- Files with spaces in their names can now be uploaded.
- While uploading a file, a User can specify that the existing file be overwritten. The current default behavior is that a new file will be saved with a new name created by appending "_n" to the file name. The Overwrite flag can be set/unset by the User for each upload. The default setting is controlled by a config variable that can be set by the Administrator.
- The Glossary is now an optional feature that can be activated per Infobase.
- You can control whether the password for the "admin" Super Administrator should be changed in all Infobases or only in the current Infobase.
- The UI for Add Document and Edit Properties forms was improved..
- The Administrator is allowed to "Clear" the current Infobase wihtout first logging out.
Bugs Fixed
- Administrators were able to edit the user id
- Infobase admin was allowed to reset Super Admin password
- Export did not close a file handle
- StartSession did not close a file handle
- UploadMaxFileSize was not correctly inherited from system.conf file
- An extra slash "/" was included in DefaultDBPath
- Uploaded files were not correctly saved if "/tmp" was on a different file system
- Default columns were not changed in the Preferences display after they were changed in the config file
- After Direct login, some conditions resulted in a login page with all Infobases being shown.