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Knowledgebase Enables Customer Service
"InfoGenie Ltd has used InfoPlace successfully as an essential tool of online customer service relationships for many months. The knowledge base facility provides us with easy and rapid access to information, which ensures we are in a position to respond to our clients' constantly changing demands. In a world where customer delight rather than customer satisfaction is key, the features of the InfoPlace knowledge database in particular enable us to be a premier supplier of services and advice to household name companies"

Ease of Use Reduces Cost
"The interface is easily accessible and its user-friendliness reduces the cost burden of training, giving our operators the ability to offer our central store of knowledge to potential clients throughout the world"

Flexibility Support Different Customers
"The flexibility of InfoPlace means that the application is suitable for a wide range of client organisations. This results in dramatic reduction of costs as compared to developing such a complex solution in-house."

InfoGenie is the leading supplier of high-quality advice and information services in Europe. A pool of experienced academics from different specialist areas, mainly with many years experience, allows information to be prepared quickly and professionally. The experts are spatially independent of the company location. Their knowledge and experience are combined and, using a continually growing and updated knowledge database, these are made available to the customer.

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